Elderholme Nursing Home
Elderholme Nursing Home on the Wirral is highly regarded for its level of care and professionalism, but its visual identity didn’t reflect that status. Various different logos, colours and image styles were used across signage, stationery and uniforms, giving a very fractured look to the organisation.
After spending time at the home, accompanying staff on their duties it became clear just how much of a caring environment and family culture had been created, so we felt that it was important to convey the sense that the residents were treated as family and not as clients.
The leaf of an elder tree growing out of the name speaks of this ‘grafting in’ of residents to the Elderholme family, the different coloured sections of the leaf signifying different levels of care and treatment provided by the home.
We adapted and applied the new identity across all touchpoints to give a truly unified and warm personality to the organisation.